Archive for the ‘Website’ Category

My Must Visit Websites

April 22, 2008

A friend told me about TechCrunch; and from then on, it has been one of my frequently visited websites because this is where I learn about the latest, hottest and not-so-cool web finds. By simply peeking in TechCrunch, I can become acquainted to the newest web services, internet products and companies in the WWW. TechCrunch provides in-depth review and commentaries and you will definitely learn a lot from their featured write-ups.

Another must visit website whether you are a student, an employee or an entrepreneur is the Lifehacker.  This is a website that features tech tricks, tips and cool downloads that you can use to your day to day living. Lifehacker frequently talks about online tool and tips about learning and productivity which are all helpful to keep our lifestyle easy and more organized. For the latest tech gadgets, gizmos and electronics, one can always count on with CNetPCWorld and The Gadgeteer.

And lastly, if you are looking for a better entertainment alternative, try listening or watching podcasts as there are already lots of video and audio podcasts that can compete to your traditional TV or radio favorites when it comes in content and style. Some popular directories of podcasts are BlubrryPodcast Pickle and my all time favorite- iTunes Podcast Directory.